Blue BagTins, Cans, Plastic Bottles, Pots, Tubs, Trays, Foil, Milk, Juice Cartons
The collection and disposal of household refuse accounts for a large percentage of your annual parish rate. You may be interested to know that the figure applied for this item in the annual Remède is the actual cost of collection and disposal - there are no “reserves” being accumulated - so you can see what an expensive item it is!
Despite our best efforts, including circularising various areas of the parish of the requirements for the collection of refuse, and the problems associated with putting refuse out for collection, some parishioners inconsiderately insist on putting their rubbish out for collection almost on a daily basis.
The effect of this is two-fold. Firstly, bags that are left out too early for collection can get broken open by dogs, cats and particularly in the summer months, by seagulls. The refuse then spills out onto the streets causing an unsightly and very unhygienic mess – which is inevitably costly to clear.
The contractor will not take broken sacks - nor will they clear up any spillage. It is the responsibility of the householder to ensure that their refuse is offered for collection in a fit state and re-bag it, should it be necessary.
You can help by observing the following guidelines, please:
If you have any queries, or you are unsure of the collection days for your area, please contact our office on 720014 or e-mail:
We would encourage all parishioners to consider recycling of newspapers, bottles, tins, jars and cardboard whenever you can, or if it is possible for you to do so.
Finally, it is an offence to place rubbish on a public highway OTHER than on a normal collection time. Offenders are reported to the Police. A few convictions might deter others from putting out their refuse too early or from abandoning it on a public highway.