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Hedges (cutting of)

In conformity with the Cutting of Hedges Ordinances and the Parochial Administration Ordinance 2013, the Constables and Douzaines of the several parishes of the Island hereby give notice to the occupiers of land bordering public roads, or, if the land is unoccupied, to the owners thereof, that they are required during the first fifteen days of June and the last fifteen days of September, to cut and trim the hedges thereof:

  • (a) up to a height of 12 ft. from the road surface where that road is ordinarily used by vehicular traffic – N.B. this includes the road AND footpath.


  • (b) up to a height of 8 ft. from the road surface where that road is not ordinarily used by vehicular traffic

IMMEDIATELY THEREAFTER remove from such public roads and hedges all material cut from such hedges.

For the purpose of this notice, hedges shall be deemed to include trees and branches of trees, and all kinds of growth overhanging a public road at a height less than that specified above.

Any persons defaulting in the above requirements could be liable to a Civil Penalty of £50.00 with an additional fine of £5.00 per day in which the failure continues.

Note: “All kinds of growth” overhanging a public road also includes that which actually grows on roadside walls and banks. It is also necessary to ensure that the hedge is not only trimmed, but cut back so that no part of it less than the required height overhangs the boundary of the road or footpath.


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